Monday, 7 November 2011

Pet Day

Last week we had a pet day. Our pets were allowed to come to school and the judges asked us lots of questions about how we look after our pets. Everyone brought a pet of some kind. Some of us didn't have pets we could bring so we brought soft toys instead. We had to make homes for them and the judges asked us about them too. There were pony rides, and craft activities too. Some of us ended up looking like a pet! There were dogs in the carpark, cats, rabbits, rats, stick insects, pigs, horses, lambs, calves, hens, budgies and guinea pigs. In the grand parade the we could dress our pet in dress up clothes and walk around the ring.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Who am I?

This term the children in Room 3, Room 4 and Room 8 have been finding out about people who help us at school. We took photos and guessed the "Who Am I?" questions. Then we wrote a book about them and presented it in assembly. We learned that there are a lot of people who help us so that school is a great place to be.   

Mrs Brice works in the office.

 Pip cleans up our school when we have gone home.

Liz is our principal. She helps the teachers and the children.

Carol helps us with ICT. She showed us how to use Garageband.

Craig is our caretaker. He is making a new sandpit for us.

Karen is our librarian. She zaps our books with a clever red light.

A lot of parents come and help us in class.

We need parents to help at PMP so we don't hurt ourselves when we do tricky things.

When Science Alive came to school we needed parents to help make our experiments work.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Cameron receives cricket coaching along with his classmates. He made a wicket keepers mit especially for the event.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

World Teachers Day

Teachers are wonderful people who are happy to go the "extra mile" to create inspirational, quality learning experiences for all children. You wouldn't find this in their job description! Have you thanked your child's teacher lately?

Book Week Dress-Up Day

We had a lot of fun dressing up as our favourite book characters. We had a parade around the court so we could see everyone. Even the teachers dressed up. We had fairies, princesses, super heros, witches, and even a possum in a gum tree at school.

Pippi Longstocking tells the Oompa Loompa story to Room 3 children during Book Week

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Craft and Flower day

Craft and Flower Day on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

We enjoy swimming in our heated pool. We are learning to put our head under the water and blow bubbles. Some children have a lot of confidence in the water and they can float already

New learning at school

We are learning about all the new things we can do at school. We have puppets that help us learn about the alphabet. We are helping the bee learn to read. Our letter this week is "C" because lots of letters are made the same way. They are in the "C" family.