Monday, 21 June 2010

Book Week

Book Week was an amazing experience for all the children. We had some wonderful guests and special activities. These included a book fair, drop everything and read, teachers reading their favourite books to different classes, and a performance about the children's book awards. For the Dress-up day we had pirates, Aurora, Madeline, Bob, fairies and many other story book characters. Everyone used their imagination and looked fantastic.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Click on the picture to find the Puzzle.

Patrick is an A+ Learner

Patrick is reading his book called "The Bicycle". He is getting very good at looking at new words and getting his mouth ready for the first sound. Patrick likes this book because the bike gets squashed.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Pathfinders' Assembly

The Room 1 children welcomed everyone to assembly with songs in Maori, and then they all had turns to say "Hello" in languages from around the world. This is Lucy is making an announcement at our assembly.